Economic Development Partnership

Informing the First Nations Economic Development Partnership.


Economic empowerment is more than just creating jobs – it is about self-determination.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must have the authority to design and lead policies and programs that shape our economic futures. This means shifting from government-driven solutions to initiatives that reflect our strengths, priorities, and aspirations.

To ensure this vision is realised, the Coalition of Peaks led a national engagement process to gather perspectives directly from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The resulting report sets out what participants told us about improving economic outcomes for our people.

An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led engagement process

In 2024, the Coalition of Peaks led a national engagement process to collect perspectives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about economic development in our communities and how this could inform and drive the development of a First Nations Economic Partnership. The process was supported by the Commonwealth Treasury and included:

  • Six themed online workshops with approximately 140 participants.

  • Nine one-on-one sessions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

  • An online survey with 99 responses (70% identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander).

  • 12 written submissions from individuals and organisations.

The findings from this engagement have been captured in a report, which is shaping our negotiations with the Commonwealth Government.


Input from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the partnership:


Economic empowerment and lasting economic security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities


Centred on the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their communities and organisations, generating good jobs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that change lives and strengthen communities.


PR 1

Strengthening respresentation and dedicated partnerships

PR 2

More and better jobs in ACCOs

Build new economies in local communities

PR 3

Reform employment and training services

Support indigenous businesses

PR 4

Build a clear picture of data

What we heard

Economic development must be led by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Communities told us that true empowerment means self-determination – going beyond job creation to ensure we shape policies and programs ourselves. Government approaches must shift from imposed solutions to genuine, community-led initiatives.

Across the country, we heard about persistent barriers that continue to hold our people back, including:

  • Culturally unsafe workplaces and employment services that fail to provide meaningful support.

  • Training pathways misaligned with job opportunities, particularly in regional and remote communities.

  • Short-term, fragmented policies that prevent long-term planning and investment in community-led economic initiatives.

  • A lack of secure and sufficient funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations and programs that support long-term employment outcomes.

A consistent theme also included the need for a strategic, long-term approach to economic development – one that builds on our people, our land, and our culture, rather than forcing us to navigate systems that were not designed for us.

An economic development partnership was widely supported by engagement participants as a mechanism to take forward these issues.

“It is crucial to ensure the inclusion of private Aboriginal businesses and organisations […] This inclusion will enable the partnership to fully represent and address the diverse economic needs and aspirations of Aboriginal communities across Australia.”
Engagement Participant

A new First Nations Economic Partnership

In September 2023, the Government committed to developing a First Nations Economic Partnership, co-designed with the Coalition of Peaks and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

This commitment, outlined in Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities (2023), aligns with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The Partnership will:

· Focus on the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities, and ACCOs.

· Support job creation and ensure knowledge, assets, and rights translate into sustainable benefits.

· Shift decision-making power to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to shape economic development policy.

The Coalition of Peaks and Commonwealth Treasury are working together to scope the policy partnership, ensuring ongoing engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations.

“The governance of the Partnership should reflect the diversity of First Nations communities in urban, regional and remote areas, as well as other aspects of diversity including age and gender.”
Engagement Participant

What happens next?

Your feedback is helping inform our negotiations with the Commonwealth.

The findings from the report are informing discussions between the Coalition of Peaks, other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives, and the Commonwealth Government on the new Partnership.

The Government has committed $16.9 million over five years (2024–25) to support the development of the Partnership and a First Nations Economic Framework.

This Partnership belongs to all of us. We are working to ensure that community-controlled organisations and representatives across the country continue to shape its direction and outcomes.

Thanks to all who played a part in informing the report. We look forward to working together to turn these commitments into real, lasting opportunities for our people.

"While community controlled organisations are crucial, the 'ALONE' are not equipped to overcome all our economic challenges."
Engagement Participant

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