
Peaks Administrator Peaks Administrator

Productivity Commission calls for stronger government action on Closing the Gap

The latest update of the Productivity Commission’s Closing the Gap Dashboard shows encouraging progress in several key areas across all states and territories, particularly in land and sea rights and internet access. Yet, critical challenges remain, requiring urgent government action, particularly in incarceration, child removal, and suicide prevention.

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Peaks Administrator Peaks Administrator

Massive investment in remote housing and education for the NT

The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peaks (Coalition of Peaks) welcomes the recent announcements by the Commonwealth and Northern Territory governments of a landmark $4 billion dollar investment for housing in remote communities, and the significant agreement to fund all Northern Territory public schools fully and fairly by 2029.

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Uncategorized Yie Liew Uncategorized Yie Liew

Draft Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap says governments at risk of breaking their commitments to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The Productivity Commission today released a draft of its first review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement). The Productivity Commission has been commissioned by Australian governments and the Coalition of Peaks to undertake three yearly reviews of the implementation of the National Agreement with a focus on analysing progress of government commitments against the four Priority Reforms. 

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