INDEPENDENT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-Led Review of Closing the Gap

What is it all about?

The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-Led Review is a national initiative that captures the perspectives and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people involved in the implementation of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement).

The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review occurs after each Productivity Commission Review and is an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to shape the future actions of the Priority Reforms in the National Agreement. This process is about understanding lived experiences, celebrating successes, and identifying where to build momentum in relation to the National Agreement.

The Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research is conducting the review, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers involved at every stage.

There are many ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can contribute to the Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review including:

  • A national online survey

  • A national submission process

  • Intensive forums in the six place-based partnerships (Clause 39) locations in the East Kimberley (WA), Maningrida (NT), Doomadgee (QLD), Tamworth (NSW), Gippsland (VIC), and the Western Suburbs of Adelaide (SA).

  • Stakeholder interviews

  • An in-person assembly of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives to be held on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country (Canberra) in April 2025

The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review is an existing commitment in the National Agreement (Clauses 125-127). It is independent of Government, and seeks to maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives as central to Closing the Gap..

Your experiences and perspectives matter. This is your chance to help create a stronger, more effective approach to Closing the Gap.

Open the Independent Review Terms of Reference.

  • The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review will capture how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people influence decisions, awareness of the National Agreement’s goals, and experiences of power-sharing.

    It will also examine how governments and community-controlled organisations have adapted, the alignment between expectations and outcomes, and the overall impact on communities.

    The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review will involve five key parts:

    1. Intensive Forums in the Pace-Based Partnership Communities

    Jumbunna will engage six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander local Community Researchers – one per place-based partnership community to support the Review at the local level. The Jumbunna Team and the Community Researchers will undertake the following engagement activities in those communities, observing appropriate cultural requirements:

    • Invite community members involved in Closing the Gap to complete a Computer Aided Self-Interview (CASI) Survey, with the community researcher on hand to support anyone with access issues.

    • Conduct yarning circles for people in your community who have been part of the National Agreement activities and processes.

    • Conduct 2-hour forums with local ACCOs and ACCHOs.

    • Conduct interviews in the communities or virtually with people who have been involved locally in the National Agreement activities and processes.

    2. Stakeholder interviews

    Jumbunna will be interviewing key stakeholders involved in implementation of the Agreement. These will be online in-depth interviews with organisations and individuals involved in the implementation of the Agreement such as National Policy Partnership members, organisations that assisted with sector strengthening plans. This will include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation as and the Government representatives involved in these activities.

    3. Online submission

    The submission process will aim to capture more structured input, particularly from organisations or groups with relevant expertise or interests. Submissions will be able to be lodged either via email direct to Jumbunna researchers or via phone for those experiencing barriers to lodgement.

    4. Survey

    Based on the outcomes of the desktop review and targeted stakeholder conversations a survey will be developed, The survey will include open-ended questions to allow participants to share detailed insights.

    Open the survey here.

    For more details about what the Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review will capture, see below: What the Review will capture.

    5. The Assembly

    Apply to attend

    The Coalition of Peaks will convene a face-to-face Assembly (gathering) of representatives from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled sector, other key stakeholders, and subject matter experts. Key priorities of the Assembly are to explore where we’re at now and ways to improve the implementation of the National Agreement. It is also about fostering engagement and collaboration across sectors.

    Date: 1 – 3 April 2025
    Location: QT Hotel, Ngunnawal Country (Canberra)

    To participate in the Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review or attend the Assembly, you must meet the eligibility requirements. Please see, Who can participate?.

  • The Terms of Reference for submissions to the Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review will capture your insights and experiences including:

    • Awareness: What is your understanding of the National Agreement’s goals and objectives

    • Participation: How have you been able to influence decisions on policy and programs that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?

    • Power-sharing: What is your experience of working in partnership with government (national, state/territory and local), communities and organisations?

    • Adaptation: How do you think governments and community-controlled organisations, including peak bodies, have adapted to new ways of working together, under the Agreement?

    • Expectations vs. Reality: Is there alignment between initial goals and real-world outcomes, specifically regarding formal partnerships and decision-making under the National Agreement?

    • Impact: How have these changes influenced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

    The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review will also:

    • Compare findings with previous reviews and incorporate feedback from the Productivity Commission Review.

    • Provide actionable recommendations to accelerate progress on Priority Reforms.

    • Guide partnership discussions for 2025 and beyond.


The Timeline

12 February 2025: Assembly Nominations open

24 February 2025 5pm (AEDT): Assembly Nominations close

February 2025: Submissions now open and close 16 April 2025

Early March 2025: Successful delegates notified

19 March 2025: Delegate travel arrangements finalised

1-3 April 2025: Assembly held

16 April 2025: Submissions close

May 2025: Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review completed

June 2025: Findings shared with participants and Coalition of Peaks members.

July 2025: Findings considered by the Joint Council

Have your say

There are many ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can contribute to the Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review including:

  • 1. A national online survey

    Jumbunna have created an online survey that can be completed easily from any computer or mobile device.

    The survey is now open.
    The survey closes on 16 April 2025.

    Open the survey here.

  • 2. A national submission process

    Jumbunna is seeking written submissions in electronic form submitted online or sent by email as an attached Adobe PDF or MS Word document to

    Submissions are now open.
    Submissions close: 16 April 2025

    #fhtogglels/See full details +/Close -/eb

    Submissions should include your name, phone number, and postal address so that we can contact you if we need to.

    Submissions will not be published. If Jumbunna wishes to use any traditional or cultural knowledge, or information you have provided which may identify you inadvertently, in the final report, Jumbunna will contact you to seek your informed consent before including the information.

    Open the Independent Review Terms of Reference.

  • 3. Place-based partnerships intensive forums

    Intensive forums in the six place-based partnerships locations: the East Kimberley (WA), Maningrida (NT), Doomadgee (QLD), Tamworth (NSW), Gippsland (VIC), and the Western Suburbs of Adelaide (SA). 

    Details to come.

  • 4. Stakeholder interviews

    Interviews will be undertaken during site visits.

  • 5. The Assembly

    A gathering of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives to be held on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country (Canberra) in April.

    See Assembly details, here.

Attend the assembly

Dates: 1 – 3 April 2025
Location: QT Hotel, Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country (Canberra)

To be selected to attend the Assembly as a delegate, you must:

  1. Be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person

  2. Satisfy the Selection Principles in the dropdown below.

  3. Must be able to attend the entire event in person.

  4. Submit your EOI by 5:00 PM AEDT, 24 February 2025

Attendance at the Assembly is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people only. Others can contribute to the Review in other ways through the survey and submission.

Key dates:


  • Successful participants notified: Early March 2025

  • The Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review including the Assembly are open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and organisations actively involved in implementing the Agreement, including:

    • Individuals with lived experience of the Agreement’s implementation.

    • Coalition of Peaks member organisations.

    • Community-controlled organisations working on state/territory jurisdiction agreements.

    • Organisations leading place-based partnerships, policy initiatives, or sector-strengthening plans.

  • The Steering Committee will assess applications based on:

    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with lived experience with the National Agreement and Priority Reforms.

    • Knowledge of how their organisation is implementing the National Agreement.

    • Ability to represent their community’s experiences and perspectives.

    • Insights into successes and areas for improvement.

    • Authority to represent their organisation and endorse Assembly recommendations.



The Steering Committee oversees the Review including the Assembly in accordance with the Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review terms of reference. This included the procurement of the independent reviewer, convening of the Coalition of Peaks Assembly, and providing advice to the Reviewers as required.

The Steering Committee comprises five Coalition of Peaks representatives (three jurisdictional members and two national members), one senior representative of the Commonwealth Government (Department of Premier and Cabinet), one senior representative from a State or Territory Government, and one senior representative of Australian Local Government Association.


Get in touch

Your input is essential in shaping the future of the National Agreement. For further information or assistance, please get in touch.

For the Assembly:

For everything else:
Phone: 02 9514 2961


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