Massive investment in remote housing and education for the NT

The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peaks (Coalition of Peaks) welcomes the recent announcements by the Commonwealth and Northern Territory governments of a landmark $4 billion dollar investment for housing in remote communities, and the significant agreement to fund all Northern Territory public schools fully and fairly by 2029.

“I welcome the significant investments announced by the Albanese Cabinet in Darwin and Binjari this week. I thank the Prime Minister for his leadership and commitment to improve outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory,” said Ms Pat Turner, Lead Convenor of the Coalition of Peaks.

“It is particularly encouraging to see the federal government exercising its leadership role in Aboriginal affairs policy and programs. Housing has consistently been a very high priority for our Coalition of Peak Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations.”

The 10-year commitment to improve remote housing will see up to 270 homes built each year, with the goal of halving overcrowding. It includes continued support for repairs and maintenance, and

addresses the long-term neglect of Homelands recognising the cultural, social and political importance of Homelands for Aboriginal people across the Northern Territory.

“The education announcement will, at last see Northern Territory public schools move towards full funding levels. It is long overdue but so welcome. Thank you, Minister Jason Clare. And of course, our Minister, Linda Burney for keeping these critical conversations going within the government and Cabinet.”

The education Statement of Intent, signed by both governments, aims to increase funding for all public schools in the Northern Territory, and provide more resources to students who need it most – helping to improve education outcomes.

“It is imperative that these initiatives are undertaken with the full implementation of the four Priority Reforms in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap which each level of government signed up with the Coalition of Peaks in July 2020,” stated Ms Pat Turner.

“In summary that means shared decision-making in partnership between governments and the Coalition of Peaks; growing and strengthening community-controlled organisations; eliminating racism in mainstream entities and transparency in sharing data and information in all partnership forums.”

“If governments work within these parameters, I am very confident we will see improvements across the board,” Ms Pat Turner said.


Budget must demonstrate govt keeping its word to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on Closing the Gap


Implementation of the Productivity Commission’s review recommendations must commence urgently as new data doesn’t show improvement.