Coalition of Peaks kick off Closing the Gap conversations in every state and territory

The Coalition of Peaks are leading face to face meetings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and organisations on Closing the Gap during the month of October. The meetings provide an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in each state and territory to tell the Coalition of Peaks and governments what changes are needed to improve their lives.

The Coalition of Peaks is working with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to develop a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap for the next ten years and wants to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the country can have a say about what should be included in it.

Acting Lead Convener of the Coalition of Peaks and Chairperson of the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body, Katrina Fanning, said we must ensure the community’s voice is truly heard and understood.

‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people know what works best for us. We need to make sure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are reflected and expertise is recognised in every way at every step on efforts to close the gap in life outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.’

‘The Coalition of Peaks is leading the face to face discussions, not governments. The Peaks are asking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to tell us what should be included in a new Closing the Gap agreement and we will take this to the negotiating table.’

The Coalition of Peaks is made up of around forty Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations who have come together to negotiate a new Closing the Gap agreement with governments. The Peaks are committed to representing the views of their membership and the communities who elected them in negotiations with government.The face to face discussions are part of comprehensive set of engagements which also includes an online survey and Peak consultations with its own membership. The online survey is open until 25 October 2019.
A report on the engagements will be prepared by the Coalition of Peaks, to be provided to governments and made public. The report will inform the finalisation the new National Agreement between the Coalition of Peaks and COAG.

October Engagement Meetings:

South Australia

2 October – Adelaide
15 October – Ceduna
18 October – Port Augusta
23 October – Mount Gambier


11 October – Launceston

Western Australia

14 October – Broome
17 October – Geraldton
21 October – Kalgoorlie
23 October – Port Headland
28 October – Perth
30 October – Narrogin

Australian Capital Territory

17 October – Canberra
28 October – Canberra


15 October – Melbourne
16 October – Bendigo
17 October – Morwell

New South Wales

21 October – Sydney

Northern Territory

4 October – Katherine
11 October – Yirrkala
30 October – Darwin


23 and 24 October – Canberra

Note: Each jurisdiction has structured the events differently, some opting for fewer large events and some opting for a larger number of smaller events. Dates and locations for Queensland will be finalised soon. Additional meetings will also be held in New South Wales.

For media enquiries contact Andrew Blyberg on 0401 691 666 or

For more information on The Coalition of Peaks, The Joint Council, The Partnership Agreement and to sign up for our mailing list, go to:

MEDIA RELEASE – Coalition of Peaks kick off Closing the Gap conversations in every state and territory


Coalition of Peaks to hold three meetings on Closing the Gap in Victoria this week


Coalition of Peaks invites community to share their voice on Closing the Gap