Prime Minister hosts meeting with the Coalition of Peaks on Closing the Gap

The Coalition of Peaks shared what was heard during a comprehensive program of community engagements which they led, including overwhelming support received for its three proposed Priority Reforms and the creation of a fourth.

Representatives from the Coalition of Peaks have today met with the Prime Minister, the Minister for Indigenous Australians and other Ministers with key responsibilities for closing the gap to discuss their formal partnership and progress in developing a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

“Today the Prime Minister and Ministers heard the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from across the country on what is needed to close the gap. The Prime Minister is listening to those voices and supports the new National Agreement being built around the Priority Reforms. It was also great to see the Prime Minister responding immediately with concrete actions that will contribute to the success of our Priority Reforms,” said Pat Turner AM, Lead Convener of the Coalition of Peaks, CEO of NACCHO and Co-Chair of the Joint Council.

“This historic meeting represents a significant step forward under the new formal relationship between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on closing the gap where decision making is shared, and the expertise and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is fully recognised. We look forward to positive engagements with other Australian governments over the coming months as the new Agreement is finalised.”

Media Contact: Andrew Blyberg – 0401 691 666 or

About the Coalition of Peaks

The Coalition of Peaks is a representative body comprised of nearly fifty Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations that have come together to have their collective voice heard. The Coalition of Peaks is working with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to develop a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap to replace the National Indigenous Reform Agreement.

For more information on The Coalition of Peaks, The Joint Council, The Partnership Agreement and to sign up for our mailing list, go to: programmes/coalition-of-peaks/


It is time governments front up to their failure to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community engagements send a clear message to governments on Closing the Gap