Coalition of Peaks releases first Annual Report

The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) has released its first Annual Report, outlining progress to implement the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement).

Significant progress is being made against commitments in the Coalition of Peaks Implementation Plan, with the first Annual Report showing:

  • progress on establishment of five policy partnerships and five place-based partnerships.

  • development of a number of sector strengthening plans.

  • establishment of three Community Data Project sites, and progress on another one.

  • Agreement on the Data Development Plan.

  • growth in Coalition of Peaks membership.

  • case studies highlighting the successful implementation of the National Agreement across the country, leading to better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

However, the Annual Report also reveals that progress on Priority Reform Three – transforming mainstream organisations – remains slow, and that more needs to be done.

Scott Wilson, Acting Lead Convener of the Coalition of Peaks, is concerned. “Priority Reform Three is an opportunity to identify, call out, and then address, the institutionalised racism in our mainstream agencies and services”, said Mr Wilson.

“All governments have committed to establish an independent mechanism that is able to review, report on, and make recommendations for how mainstream services should be transforming to be more responsive and accountable to the needs of our people. While this commitment is not due to be implemented until 2024, the racism we experience, and the poor health outcomes of our people, demand urgent action.

“The Coalition of Peaks can only do so much. Our success and the success of the National Agreement depends on the responses of governments, and work needs to accelerate beyond commissioning research papers. Our government partners need to be bold and break down the systems, structures, and beliefs of the past to implement and achieve Priority Reform Three.

“If we get it right, Priority Reform Three can support the transformation of the mainstream agencies and services to reduce the occurrences of racism we experience and the corresponding impact on our health and life outcomes.”

Read the Annual Report, and find out more about the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, at


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