Joint Council on Closing the Gap meets in Adelaide

The eighth meeting of Joint Council on Closing the Gap was held in Adelaide today, with representatives of the Coalition of Peaks attending alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs ministers from all jurisdictions and a representative from the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA).

Co-chaired by Patricia Turner AM, Lead Convener of the Coalition of Peaks and CEO of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation, and The Hon Linda Burney MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians, Joint Council supports national leadership, coordination, and cooperation on Closing the Gap.

“The change in federal government has seen a renewed focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and this meeting of Joint Council emphasised all jurisdictions’ commitment to the full implementation of a range of measures that will support improved life outcomes for our people under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap”, said Ms Turner.

A hefty agenda was on the table, and during the meeting Joint Council:

  • considered and endorsed the details of the Early Childhood Care and Development Policy Partnership and the Social and Emotional Wellbeing Policy Partnership.

  • agreed to the Disability Sector Strengthening Plan and the Housing Sector Strengthening Plan.

  • welcomed three new locations for Place-based Partnerships, being Tamworth (NSW), Doomadgee (QLD), and East Kimberley (WA), and the western suburbs of Adelaide as a new Community Data project location.

  • agreed an amendment to the National Agreement to reflect a new Community Infrastructure Socio-economic Target.

  • agreed to recommend a new Inland Waters Target to First Ministers, the President of the ALGA, and the Coalition of Peaks.

  • agreed to establish a shared resourcing arrangement for training, capability, and research.

  • heard updates on the progress against the Strategic Plan for Developing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Sector and the Justice Policy Partnership.

  • heard updates from all jurisdictions on their progress against their Closing the Gap Annual Reports, Expenditure Reviews, and updates to their Implementation Plans.

“Coming to a consensus on two new socio-economic targets for the National Agreement represents a maturing of both the partnership and the National Agreement. The new targets reflect the impact both housing and Country have on the wellbeing of our people”, Ms Turner said.

Joint Council will meet again in December 2022 to continue to progress further actions under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Download the eighth meeting of the Joint Council communique.


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