Coalition of Peaks talking about Closing the Gap today in Sydney today

The Coalition of Peaks will host a meeting in Sydney today on the development of a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The meeting is an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to tell the Coalition of Peaks and governments what changes are needed to improve their lives.

New South Wales Coalition of Peak Organisations (NSWCAPO) Co-Chair, Cindy Berwick said we must ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in New South Wales know a new agreement is being negotiated on Closing the Gap. These meetings provide an opportunity for people in New South Wales to have their voices truly heard and understood on this important matter.

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people know what works best for us. Closing the gap in life outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and other Australians can only be achieved if our voices are at the centre of decision making and reflected in policy,” Berwick said.

“This time the Coalition of Peaks has the opportunity to represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at the negotiating table with governments, so we want to ensure that we engage communities around Australia in the process.

“The Coalition of Peaks will be leading face-to-face meetings across every state and territory. We are looking forward to hearing what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to say at the engagement in Sydney today.”

NSWCAPO has commenced a series of meetings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across New South Wales. The engagements will continue until the end of October.

The face-to-face discussions are part of a comprehensive set of engagements, which also include Peak consultations with its own membership and an online survey, open until 8 November.

Media Release – Coalition of Peaks talking about Closing the Gap today in Sydney today

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For media enquiries contact Andrew Blyberg on 0401 691 666 or


Coalition of Peaks hosts national stakeholders at Closing the Gap meeting in Canberra


Have Your Say – Closing the Gap Survey extended until 8 November 2019