Have Your Say – Closing the Gap Survey extended until 8 November 2019

The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) has responded to significant interest in the survey on Closing the Gap and is extending the deadline to Friday 8 November 2019.

There has been overwhelming support for the survey and the Coalition of Peaks want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to tell us what is needed to close the gap in life outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

The Coalition of Peaks encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and organisations to use this extra time to have a say on what changes are needed to improve their lives.

The online survey is part of a comprehensive set of engagements which also includes face to face discussions around Australia and Peak consultations with its own membership.

The Coalition of Peaks is working with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to develop a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap for the next ten years and want to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the country have a say about what should be included in it. The Coalition of Peak will take these views to the negotiating table with governments.

A report on the engagements will be prepared by the Coalition of Peaks, to be provided to governments and made public. The report will inform the finalisation the new National Agreement between the Coalition of Peaks and COAG.

The Coalition of Peaks is made up of around forty Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations who have come together to negotiate a new Closing the Gap agreement with governments. The Peaks are committed to representing the views of their membership and the communities who elected them in negotiations with government.

The survey is available on the NACCHO website https://www.naccho.org.au/programmes/coalition-of-peaks/have-your-say/

Media Release – Have Your Say – Closing the Gap Survey extended until 8 November 2019

— Ends —

For media enquiries contact Andrew Blyberg on 0401 691 666 or andrew@fiftyacres.com


Coalition of Peaks talking about Closing the Gap today in Sydney today


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